
Details on the new features and updates listed here can be found after installing AUSTAL View in the help under „Einführung > Was ist neu“

Version 11

Version 11.0.5

  • austal.exe and taldia.exe replaced – of the two versions of the files austal.exe and taldia.exe provided by the Federal Environment Agency, the slower version (gcc compiler) was included in version 11.0.0
  • Restriction on exporting and printing output in path or file names with spaces or special characters removed

Version 11.0.0

Please note: Users of the multicore version of AUSTAL must also update: Download (File pk_mpi.3.3.0_AustalView_setup.exe)

New features

  • Implementation of the new AUSTAL version 3.3.0
  • Calculation of stack height according to TA Luft Annex 2 Number 14
  • New BESTAL-Version implemented
  • New building type polygonal building with inner courtyard („Holes“)
  • New source parameter rf
  • When exporting shape files, several layers can now be exported simultaneously
  • Subdirectories can now also be searched when using the Import tool
  • Maximum number of monitor points increased from 20 to 199
  • The maximum length of building and source names has been extended to 16 characters. In addition, the numbering in the standard name of buildings and sources has been increased to 3 digits (e.g. GEB_001 instead of GEB_1).
  • The maximum permitted number of grid cells has been increased from 300 to 400

Updates and bug fixes

  • The quality level qs can now be selected up to the value 9 in the control system.
  • When creating a new project, the last selected UTM or GK zone is set as the default value.
  • When creating a user-defined grid, the third grid may have been shifted by one mesh, causing AUSTAL to abort.
  • When outputting a concentration time series, the unit of the y-axis was not displayed correctly.
  • Incorrect points were deleted when several monitor points were deleted at the same time.
  • AUSTAL aborts if an outlet temperature tq > 10 is specified, but the source parameters dq and vq are missing. This is now checked in Details and an error message is displayed if necessary.
  • In simulations with flat terrain, the error message Missing anemometer location was incorrectly displayed.
  • Variable emissions: in time scenarios with uniform distribution, one hour was sometimes missing.
  • The Move symbol was sometimes inactive.
  • Building grid, terrain and time series files were not displayed in the „Save as“ dialogue
  • The niederschlag.dmna file was not included in the zip backup by default.
  • Output of the precipitation time series in niederschlag.dmna with two decimal places for more precise scalability to the mean value
  • Sources with situation-dependent parameters (meteo matrix): Wind classes could only be selected from 1 to 9 instead of in 1m/s steps and the export/import of Excel files was added
  • When exporting JPG images, the previously selected settings will be used in the selection
  • Incorrect labelling of the weekdays in the „Emission scenario“ report has been fixed
  • When selecting a colour palette for the hourly value NO2, the colour palette of the annual value was partially overwritten
  • When restarting a calculation run in an existing project, the individually selected colour palettes were sometimes reset
  • Checking for umlauts and symbols in the file path before starting the calculation run

Version 10.3

Version 10.3.0

New features

  • Implementation of the new AUSTAL version 3.2.1
    • Drifting of raindrops can be considered with the WETDRIFT option
  • WMS maps revised
    • Display problems with WMS maps fixed
    • List of WMS servers updatedt
  • New entry Web License in the settings
    • If the new option is activated, the dialog for deactivating the web license is opened when the program is closed
  • Odor evaluation revised
    • The zoom of the graphic window is maintained when running the odor evaluation
    • The display of the cell values is maintained when running the odor evaluation again
    • The last selected color palette of an odorant evaluation is automatically adopted for a further evaluation
    • Rectangular evaluation grids possible
    • Rounding of the emission center possible
    • Display of the expansion circle or ellipse now optional
    • Field boundaries are now checked before the evaluation program is started
  • Computational grid
    • When creating a grid, it is automatically enlarged to include the position of the anemometer if necessary
    • Improved automatic creation of computational grids: Transition area now at least 4 grid cells wide
  • Time scenarios
    • In the editor the support of meteorological data has been improved.

Updates and bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug when creating the roughness file in the terrain calculator
  • Fixed a bug when manually resizing the computational grid in the graphics window
  • Updated format when exporting buildings in bodies.def format
  • Fixed problems with importing buildings in DMNA format
  • Problems with import of buildings in bodies.def format solved
  • input of the source diameter parameter dq now possible with 3 decimal places
  • no more error message if the anemometer location is in both inner grids
  • export of vertical line sources to shape format improved
  • error when creating the precipitation.dmna in case of data failure in AKTerm fixed
  • Fixed a bug in the positioning of the odor evaluation grid
  • Fixed a bug in the time scenario editor
  • Update and bugfix in calculation of replacement anemometer position
  • Fixed error in report output