Dear users of AUSTAL View,

we are pleased to announce the new version 10.2 of AUSTAL View. It includes, among other things, the automated calculation of nitrogen and acid deposition, the download of precipitation time series independent of a fixed calendar years and a new batch print function. All desired result images can be created with just a few clicks. As always, you can view the complete list of all changes at The release is coming soon!

After Mrs. Schmonsees‘ well-deserved retirement, ArguSoft has now moved to southern Germany. In the course of this, we have also adjusted our telephone connection. You can now reach our support and our administration at

Telephone +49 (0)7156 2079693

The previous numbers will be shut down at the end of the month.

I also welcome my new colleague, Mr. PhD T. Wittemeier to our team. He will also help you in the future with words and deeds.

Of course, development continues. The next scheduled update should primarily serve to fix errors and update the connection to WMS servers. Do you have any suggestions for further improvements to AUSTAL View? We appreciate all the information and thank you for the numerous suggestions that have been incorporated into the current version!



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